Welcome to Vita. A moon full of life, orbiting a gaseous giant. These next several pieces are biome concepts for the world I’m building.

These are the oceanic shorelines of the Mycelial Forest

The first of this series, the forest’s shoreline was the most previously developed environment before I started the postcard pieces.

This shoreline marks the edge of the ever-growing Mycelial Forest. The dark soil is rich with calcium, allowing the massive monoliths to construct new towers that cultivate the forest’s expansion.

Far from the open ocean is the open desert, nicknamed the “Spire Sands”

This piece is an example of how much this world is growing and changing the more I build upon it. This biome is a more current version of the “Spire Sands” infographic piece I made for my college thesis.

Here, the dunes are a vibrant reddish-orange, soaked in the harsh sunlight during the day. Rarely does the desert see rainfall, the only cooler times of day are in the shade or after sunset.

Far off from the shoreline is the open ocean, eerily barren

This was the second of the alien postcard series. The main scene was based more off of an event than a biome; “a storm over the waves.”

In the open sea, there are no rules. Massive animals flourish, and massive storms circle overhead. The open waves are a canvas for Mother Nature to paint her scenes all throughout the day.

Deep beneath the waves of the sea, resides the dark, yet colorful seabed

This piece required a lot of different concepts to build a believable location. This biome probably had the least amount of prior construction compared to the other locations.

Despite living where sunlight doesn’t reach, the intricacies of the seabed are illuminated with bioluminescence. The colors flourish in the dark waters of the ocean floor.

Back onto land, and deep into the desert, we find the badlands

I always knew I wanted to have some sort of “floating rocks” in one of my biomes on Vita. The struggle was making it seem somewhat plausible, the solution? Magnetism!

This biome pushes the boundaries of science fiction. Set on a very specific point of the planet, this area endures many odd phenomena. From strange electromagnetism fields to pools of sulfuric lava that glow a beautiful blue.

Further into the jungle, we can reach the heart of the Mycelial Forest

The concept of a bioluminescent forest sprouted for me, after seeing the world of Pandora from the movie Avatar. It was the very first environment idea I had for this planet, all the way back in my final years at high school.

A forest mostly shrouded in darkness, yet blooming with colorful bioluminescence around every turn. It’s bizarre not to find an organism presenting some form of vibrant light underneath this canopy.

That’s all for now! I’ll be making more soon.


The World of Vita


College Thesis 2021-2022